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Speech and language therapy

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Speech and language therapist factsheets

Registered members are allowed to download our factsheets detailing case studies and peoples' stories, showing how speech and language therapy changes lives:


Speech and language therapists play a crucial role in the assessment, diagnosis and support of autistic people.

Behaviour and communication

There are important links between speech, language and communication needs and behaviour.

Children and young people

Communication difficulties put children at greater risk of poor literacy, mental health issues and poorer employment outcomes in adulthood.

Communication needs

What are speech, language and communication needs.

Cuts to speech and language therapy services

What does this mean for SLTs and the people they work with?


Speech and language therapists support people with dementia who have communication and swallowing needs.

Developmental Language Disorder

Giving voice to people with developmental language disorder.


Speech and language therapists support people with swallowing difficulties to eat and drink safely.

Early years

Speech and language therapists play a crucial role supporting children in their early years.

Economic value
The economic value of speech and language therapy.

Infant Dysphagia
Difficulties with swallowing can cause chest infections, pneumonia, choking, dehydration, malnutrition and weight loss, all of which can impact on a child’s health and quality of life.

Learning disabilities
Speech and language therapy supports people with learning disabilities to communicate, and eat and drink safely.

Looked-after children
Speech and language therapy helps identify and support looked after children’s communication and interaction needs.

Looked-after children and the Five Good Communication Standards
The Five Good Communication Standards can be used to support looked after children and the professionals working with them.

Mental Capacity
Speech and language therapists have a key role to play in helping to determine mental capacity.

Mental Health
Mental health and the link to communication and swallowing needs.

Nine Quality Standards
The Five Good Communication Standards can be used to support children’s homes to demonstrate how they are implementing the Nine Quality Standards.

SLTs support people affected by Parkinson’s.

Public Health
Speech and language therapy plays a crucial role in promoting public health.

Reducing pressures on urgent and emergency care
SLTs play an important part in supporting effective and emergency care.

Speech and language therapy helps safeguard and promote the welfare of children with communication and interaction needs.

A large proportion of children with special educational needs have speech, language and communication needs.

Social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing
Speech and language therapy promotes social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing.

Social disadvantage
The links between speech, language and communication needs and social disadvantage.

Speech, Language and Communication Capacity: A National Asset
How to grow national assets by breaking the intergenerational cycle of speech, language and communication needs.

Supporting people living with motor neurone disease
Speech and language therapists support people living with motor neurone disease.

Supporting people with head and neck cancer
Speech and language therapy support for people with head and neck cancer.

Supporting people with swallowing difficulties due to head and neck cancer
Speech and language therapy plays an important role in supporting and rehabilitating people who have swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) due to a range of head and neck cancers.

Supporting stroke survivors
Speech and language therapy plays an important role in the rehabilitation and reablement of stroke survivors.

Supporting Virtual School Heads
Speech and language therapists can play a crucial role supporting Virtual School Heads to promote the educational achievement of looked after children.

Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs)
An essential service for all sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) footprints.

Voice Care
Speech and language therapists help people protect their voice.

For more information, see our clinical guidance pages.


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